Day 1 ESL Listening + Religion (ESL listening, is my main problem. Religion? The teacher didn't teach anything to us, just ask to read the book. hahaha)
Day 2 Biology Paper 1 & 3 (noooo...! biology is one of my 'beloved' subject)
Day 3 Chemistry Paper 2 & 4 (it's difficult enough, but somehow I love it :D)
Day 4 Mathematics Paper 2 & 4 (quite easy.. but I have some problems in understanding several materials -________-)
Day 6 ESL Reading-Writing & Speaking (First, I have limited vocabs. Second, I have minim verbal ability -____-)
Day 7 Geography & P.E. (What the heck P.E. theoritical exam are held for?)
Day 8 Economy & Bahasa (need some practise, and I should complete my notes ASAP)
oh yeah, I SHOULD REALLY STUDY HARD to achieve the best. And I tried to increase my average report score, so my father will let me join LKS.
What is LKS?
LKS stands for Latihan Kepemimpinan Siswa (Student Leadership Training). It's the Student Council program to recruit the new Student Council governers, or the 'bosses' of each subsi. First, students who interested were given the form, then the senior make some appointment to interview the pre-LKS participant. Then, it's the backstage (Student Council)'s job to filtrate those who have talent or qualified students to join LKS.
Alright, back to the topic..
Beside fixing my grades, I also want to increase my class rank. On the 1st semester, I was in the 8th position. It's quite good, but I'm not satisfied enough. I read the rank, and several people that I remember were:
1st Ichi
2nd Ardi
3rd Cindy
4th the-one-that-I-forgot
5th the-other-that-I-also-forgot
6th PW
7th Ryan
8th Moi!
9th Naufal
10th Khalda (if I'm not mistaken)
waaw. It's kinda hard to obtain higher rank, as I remember that those guys above me are totally intelligent.
Okay guys. I wanna apologize to you if I have mistakes, because I'm afraid if one of you still angry with me, my way to success will be blocked. Okaaay? And also pray a lot for me:
1. For the midtest's success
2. For the approval of LKS
3. For the IGCSE exam success (straight A* amiiin!)
(PS: I'm not angry with DDA anymore; for those who still curious. I'm not a person who love to keep the angry; I'm just forgot it and let it flew.. hahaha :p I felt sorry to DDA. Maybe at that time, 'dia' have some problems that I don't know. I'm so sorry DDA -______-)
1. ESL LISTENING. saran : sering2 ke BBC radio di inet atau nntn CNN atau cr2 web khusus bwt ESL (banyak)
2. Biology? gampang.. itu sangat 'beloved' gue dapet B.. mungkin lo bisa dpt A.. hha
3. Chemeia?? Asal banyak latian bisa ko.. iseng2 aja tuh ngerjain past paper.. gw dpt B jg di chemy.. lo psti bisa lebih lah
4. Math? Wah memang kelemahan gw disini. gw cma dpt C, meanwhile rata2 tmn gw dpt A.. lo bisa lah dpt A.. setara SMP bgt soalnya
5. physics? wew radioactivE? iya tu ngeselin.. ttg half life and decay.. selebihnya lumayan..
6. ESL Reading/Writing? Ah.. sering2 aja baca2 artikel di wiki atau kalo ngasah writing , sring2 aja ngeliat soal di Past Paper.. XDD
ESL speaking? ah.. itu pasti bagus kok. gw dpt B lah, XD (Grade 2)
aah gue beloved biology itu pake apostrophe.. jadi emang anjloook gg bisa diharapkan.. RADIOACTIVE MENGHISAP (baca : radioactive sucks!)yah..wish me luck yoo :)
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