31 January 2010

Knowing myself, friends, and team

I haven't tell you how I love to answer personality tests, psychological tests, every tests that -hopefully- will reveal who I am, what are my weaknesses, my strengths, and so on. Luckily, yesterday I joined ta'lim, a type of preaching about Islam. At first, I thought this might be boring, like some kind of ta'lim that my mother used to take me to. But apparently, this isn't that boring! Perhaps because the speaker is one of my high school best graduate, so he can understand the audience and how to deliver his topic well.

His topic is about "Ukhuwah Islamiyah", or Islamic relationship among others. There are four steps to reach the truly Ukhuwah Islamiyah, which are ta'aruf, tafahum, ta'awun, and al-Itsar.

means to know each other. In this section, he asked us to answer a personality test and tell him what the results are. Actually I've ever answer it long time ago when I was a junior in high school. But time may changes everything, right? And last night, I tried to answer it once more, and my results are:
I was shocked, because since I was in junior high, my highest score in multiple intelligence test is always Logical/Mathematics. And now, my Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence beat it! And in the personality test, why does it call 'The Persuader'? I'm not good in persuading people. At all.

Tafahum means to understand each other. Derived from the word fahim (Arabic), which means understand. In order to understand this section, he asked us to write down in a paper about ourselves - the positive and negative sides of yourself, and a thing that represents us. Then, he (the speaker) took the papers, read it out loud, and everybody have to guess who's that. Beside that, he also asked us to make "River of Life". It's kinda life-themed story telling about ourselves since we born until now. It's so fun, but it took such a quite long time, so he said that we got to continue it sometime.

The next one, taawun, means to undertake the others' burden onto us, so we feel the burden altogether. He simulated this action by playing games. In this games, we have to wake up from this position: all legs are straighten, feet are gathered in the middle, and hands are all tighten each other. This is not as easy as if it is played in pair, like what I've done it before. But then, the speaker changed the game into a..MASS MASSAGE-ing!! We were lined up, then person behind us have to treat our back. After they finished, we turned around and did the same thing as they do.

Last one, al-Itsar, means to precedence others beyond our interest. In this last session, the speaker gave a pack of wafer to a random person in a group.

These components are the basics, but very vital in our social life, especially to maintain a good relationship among people. Without them, our organisation, love life, and others may be ruined.

Bunches of thanks are sent for the speaker and all my 'zuperrr' family Rohis 45 who inspires me all the time and brought back this topics :)

24 January 2010

Think manly, act womanly

It's been a long time not to post in English, eh? Probably I'm gonna do this for 5 months onward, as I'm gonna take SAT and TOEFL test during my summer holiday.

Time flew so fast, eh? I just realised it last night, when I rearranged my organisation archives. I found a proposal of an event, called Maviroh. It stands for "Malam Penerimaan Aktivis Rohis". Juniors in the 10th grade are the participants of this event, and the 11th graders are the committee. It has been a week since I participated in this event.

The event is about how to prepare the juniors, who intended to be school's Islamic activists, with all materies that conveyed in talkshows and games. Glad to see the juniors really enjoyed this events, and so do I. The outbounds were so tiring yet exciting. Bunches of thanks are sent for my great family, Rohis 45. Love you all!

This week is also the great one. I flew high a lot (hahaha), there are so many troubles including TeSIS presentation which I've done it yesterday. But overall, it still be my best one. But my home environment weren't good enough. I've cried for a night as an expression of how pathetic myself with those pressure, my mom's nonsense arguments, and so on and on. I'd like to move on to my gramps' cost-an home, which organised by my best person ever, a true mom, a person whom I trully believe in - my childhood nanny.

Well, I found pretty much fun for posting a post in English. Pray for me, and other people who do really need a good environment to live a life.


22 January 2010

6 hal penting dalam hidup

1. Never explain yourself to any one. Because the person who likes you doesn't need it, and the person who dislikes you won't believe it.
Jangan pernah menerangkan siapa dirimu kepada siapapun. Sebab, orang yang menyukaimu tidak membutuhkannya, sedangkan orang yang tidak menyukaimu tidak mempercayainya.

2. When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choice: Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams.Choice is yours...
Di saat kita bangun di pagi hari, kita memiliki dua pilihan: Kembali tidur dan bermimpi atau bangun dan mengejar mimpi itu. Pilihannya ada di kita sendiri...

3. Don't make promise when you are in joy. Don't reply when you are sad. Don't take decision when you are angry. Think twice..., Act wise.
Jangan mengucap janji di saat kamu senang. Jangan menjawab di saat kamu sedih. Jangan mengambil keputusan di saat kamu marah. Berpikirlah dua kali, bersikaplah hati-hati.

4. When you keep saying you are busy, then you are never free. When you keep saying you have no time, then you will never have time.When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, then your tomorrow will never come.
Saat kamu tetap mengatakan kamu sibuk, kamu tidak akan pernah bebas. Saat kamu tetap mengatakan kamu tidak ada waktu, kamu tidak akan pernah punya waktu. Saat kamu tetap mengatakan bahwa kamu akan mengerjakannya besok, maka hari esokmu tidak akan pernah datang.

5. We make them cry who care for us. We cry for those who never care for us. And we care for those who will never cry for us. This is the truth of life, its strange but true. Once you realise this, its never too late to change.
Kita membuat orang-orang yang peduli pada kita menangis. Kita menangis untuk orang-orang yang tidak pernah perduli pada kita. Dan kita peduli pada orang-orang yang tidak pernah menangis untuk kita. Inilah kenyataan hidup, memang aneh tapi nyata. Begitu kamu menyadarinya, tidak ada kata terlambat untuk berubah.

6. Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life...
Waktu seperti sungai. Kamu tidak bisa menyentuh dua kali di air yang sama, karena arus yang telah berlalu tidak akan pernah datang lagi. Nikmatilah setiap kejadian dalam kehidupan ini....

credits to: kaskus