28 June 2009

science lalala

Prolog: posting ini tidak ada tujuan untuk menyindir maupun merendahkan orang lain, dan juga tidak bermaksud untuk menyombongkan diri. Tapi posting ini merupakan sebuah wadah untuk berekspresi dan mengungkapkan pendapat secara halus maupun frontal. Terima kasih. (kok jadi kayak stewardress di pesawat" ya?)

Minggu ini kayaknya full banget nget sama kegiatan" yg bikin capek.

Senin - Rabu
: DPA-TPA LKS 2009 di kavaleri berkuda di Lembang, Bandung. Gue gg bisa ceritain detailnya, yang pasti SERU BANGET GA BOONG. makasih banyak yaa kakak ex-LKS 2008 udah ngurusin kita dingin" gitu :)
Kamis: Waktunya gue istirahat seharian penuh! Dengan perut keram, gue cuma ngenet, makan, nonton, sholat, tidur lalala -apasih-. padahal gue mesti bantuin nyebarin undangan First 8 Kit (acara PMR 8) ke sekolah-sekolah. Maaf yaaa PMR 26-27 :(
Jum'at: H-1 SIROH (Silaturahmi Rohis) dan gue KOORDINATOR DEKOR. Gue sama sekali gg bisa gabut, ato SIROH bakal ancur lebur -lebay-. Ke rumah Kinkin buat ngedekor tempat SIROH. Capeeeek tapi seneng.
Sabtu: BAGI RAPOR & SIROH ROHIS MUDA 45. Mana bokap-nyokap gue gg bisa ambil rapor, otomatis gue ngambil rapor gue sendiri zz. Pagi-pagi gue ke sekolah, ambil rapor, langsung finishing dekor SIROH. Acaranya ngaret 1 jam sih, tapi jadi kenal para tetua ROHIS 8 -cieeee-. Gue penanggung jawab dekor yang merangkap sebagai penerima tamu tetap yang ilegal (baca: sebenernya gue bukan penerima tamu, tapi gg ada yg mau dan akhirnya gue yg hampir jaga meja tamu dari awal sampe akhir. ngerti kan ngerti kan?). Baru selesai jam 6, sholat Maghrib, rapat evaluasi dan cerita" dari kak Al n kak Shidqi.
Minggu: ke rumah Nenek-Kakek (dari nyokap), kasih hadiah ulangtahun perkawinan berupa...? Ada deh. Siangnya makan" di Penang Bistro buat ngerayain ulang tahun perkawinan EMAS eyang kakung - eyang putri gue (dari bokap).

Rapor gue gimanaaaaa? (sfx: jeng jeng jeng jeeeeeng)
ALHAMDULILLAH nilai gue naik, walopun gg semua naik, kayak ESL sama biologi, yg emang udah takdirnya gg pernah lebih dari 85 TT_____TT. Selebihnya naik, atau konstan.

Review rapor (maaf ya, yg disensor dimaksudkan untuk meminimalisir prasangka orang -gr banget sih-):
Biology: B - B  
Teacher comment: Dina is d********t and k**n, but she needs to do much more exercises. She also needs to be more active in class.
Student comment: Bener banget.. Gue emang jarang ngerjain latihan>.<>
Chemistry: A - A 
Teacher comment: Dina is k**n, c*********e, and r*****e to do her task, she often participate well in class.
Student comment: Alhamdulillah, masih bagus walopun gg excellent :)  I LOVE CHEMISTRY
Mathematics: A - A*
Teacher comment: Dina is a ***** student, participate well in class and always does her best.
Student comment: MY PAPER 4 IGCSE ;( ;( ;(
ESL :  B - B
Teacher comment: Dina has shown better achievement. I believe that she could do even better than that
Student comment: AMIIIIN >.<
Physics: B - A
Teacher comment: Dina has the logical skill and the ability to study independently. She also has excellent motivation
Student comment: Thank you so much Mr. Halim. But I'm uneasy to motivate myself to study -___-

...finally I got science class. Thanks God!

15 June 2009

extremely fun times with IC 2011 :)

hey hey fella! I just came back from Thousand Island (dressing) after having so much fun with my dearest friend from International Class 2011. And I will tell the whole story for you.

Saturday, June 13th 2009
As usual, I was sleeping at my house in Jati Indah. I remembered that the ferry boat will depart at 8 and school gave an option to go to the pier by school mini bus, but we had to arrive at school on 6:30! That's why I decided to woke up at couple of minutes to 5 and prepare myself to go to my apartment first, because I've already put some clothes and other essential things on my bed to make the packing time shorter and more efficient. After I went from Jati Indah to apartment, then I packed all my things, and I rushed to school. I arrived at 6:35-fortunately, the school bus hadn't gone yet. I met many people there and found the teachers had their gymnastic session but few of international class teachers seemed didn't follow the gymnastic. I also met my friends-Dana, Cindy, Hakim, Ardi, Nisna, Danu- they will join the minibus trip to the pier. Finally we departured from school and arrived at Marina, Ancol, and we looked for Pier 15. After that, the journey through the sea began..

On the boat, on few first half-hour, the kids were so noisy. As usual - Goya, Reza dkk were making some noise, but fortunately, I was on the front seat and they were at the back, so their voices weren't too loud. Three quarter hour before we arrived, most of my friends had closed their eyes and went to sleep. I never missed this opportunity to take some pictures of their true faces-faces when they fell asleep. Finally, the boat arrived at Pramuka Island.

First opinion about the island: THE WATER IS VERY CLEAN! I could see some group of fishes were chasing each other and we can see the sea floor eas
ily. Then, I picked my luggage in the baggage (rimanya nyambung) and walked to our lodging then put down our luggage. After that, opening ceremony began and the EO representative, kak Dhamar, mentioned our name and divided us into 8 groups. I was in group 8 with Nisna, Lewis, Nacil and Ryan with kak Piko as our mentor. All groups were going to a handmade bricket 'factory' close to our lodging. After that, we had recess, than we were divided into two groups; groups that picked some garbages along the coastline (my group's was extremely heavy! -lebay-). Then, we separated them into several catagories and filled our check list, then WE MADE THE BRICKETS ♥ this is my favourite part.

From picking the bins, we were ... SNORKLING ♥ this was my premiere snorkle, reminding my holiday wasn't as fun as most of the usual teen's holiday. We were also requested to pick the garbage that we found during our snorkeling session. And.. what I found weren't the garbage. But... THE HELL OF SEA URCHINS!!!!!!

this thing filled the ocean floor. how horrible

After that, we had recess, played CAPSA of course (with the alumi joined us), took a bath, had dinner and watched beautiful stars (I hoped he stood beside me). The day continued with a session with alumni, which was so much fun, then we went to sleep.

Saturday, June 13th 2009
I woke up every evening with a big smile on my face in the morning and decided to take a bath after the one who had stayed in the bathroom for a couple of quarter hour. Then I walked outside with my friends, waited for my teacher who wanted to do 'sunrise photo hunt'. But after we walked around the island, went to the harbour, we figured out that the sun rose in front of our lodge -________-

After that, we played capsa again and again, then we had breakfast. The day continued with interviewed local people and did presentation per group. Aaaand we went home :)

I love my SMAN 8 International Class of 2011 :) :)

11 June 2009

my first day of being 16 :)

can I still got this one anyway?

huaah! It has been 17 hours sharp from the beginning of my first day of being 16 :) All days were rolling as usual, but the phone that vibrates vigorously *hahaha lebay* just waking me up and reminds the day I woke up now. The first one is from my twins of math a.k.a TOM a.k.a sabila. She sent the text at 2 a.m., and she said that she sent the text while she was sleeping, and fortunately, it delivered to me phone :) hahaha well actually, the very first one that wished me happy birthday is my 'daughter', Muthia. But, she sent it on June the 7th :( hahaha why the first one that wished my birthday always too fast? This thing also happened in my last year birthday. But the first one wished my one day before.

At school, daily activities were also running. Tutorials (well the teacher was only explaining something that I didn't hear. Sorry sir :( ), capsa playing, and starring at the score list that told me that I should follow ESL reading remedials :( :( huaaah. But, the one that make it different, again and again, was Dana and Khalda kept talking privately (heeeyyy I noticed that!) and there were so many plastic wrappings inside my bag, and I guessed that they will approaching me when I threw out the plastics.

And Cindy also gave me some 'wejangan' and told me that my family should contact Nanny 911 because of my crucial problem that I faced (I've already post it on the post below this). hahaha *sorry cn, I only remember this essential part :(*

Thanks for all buddies that makes my day better than last year!

Those who wished by text:
TOM, khalda, partner, twooth, Soza, bestfriend, Eleny, Dinda, Nabila CP, my mom, my dad.

Those who wished by wall:
ust. Agung, kak Zahra, jhobaa, tante Mila, kak Sandy, kak Wildan, depar, kak Mita, kak Irham, Ibam, Marw, mem, kak Dina, Niken, Jiji, Amer, Suci, kak Miya, kak Fifi, kak Idris, Nisa, Anis, kak Hadza, John, kak Kiki, kaghe, jazz, kak Hanifa, kak Nisa, Mutee, Ms. Lolo, kak Asiah, kak Afi, Mercia, Jane, kak Agnes, Mr. Andi, Zara, kak Fajar, kak Oji, kak Ridho, Natali, Khaula, Sabrina, kak Bayu, Ayu, kak Hasna, Hana, Way, Mega, Syifa R, Azizah, twins, Tikha, Arman, kak Nana, Nurul, kak Maryam, Nizma, Kibang, Opi, Nadya nose, Deby, Emil k-hexsa, Shasa, kak Diana, Mitra, Garda, Icha, kak Nadya, Rinda, Dyza (5:57 p.m., laptop time)

Those who wished at school:
Naufal, Irfan, Nisna, Dillute, Fiya, Khalda, Danao, Cindy

I really really thanks for you guys who just pay little attention, but it really impressed me., although what I wished for this birthday doesn't come true (beside the presents of course, and it's impossible for my wish to comes true). Thank you very much my dear :) Maybe later on I will post the photo of my presents from Cindy and Khalda.

Danke schoen, fellas!