13 September 2010


Selamat Menjadi Suci Kembali di tahun 1431 H, wahai kaum muslimin dan muslimah!
Semoga Ramadhan tahun ini menjadi starting point dalam menjalankan kebaikan kita 11 bulan - bukan, selanjutnya hingga kita dipanggil olehNya.
Mohon maaf lahir batin :)

NB: Salahkan kemalasan saya membeli pulsa dan dicabutnya pulsa SMS 30 ribu. Saya tidak mengirim dan membalas SMS lebaran dari orang-orang. Mohon maklum yaa :)

Iseng lagi..

1. Are you single - Yes & Happy
2. Are you happy - Refer above :P
3. Are you bored - Not really, just lazy. Got tons of work...
4. Are you naked - Why should I tell?
5. Are you a blonde - Asian..
6. Are you moody - Right now? NO.
7. Are you a lover/hater - I love the whole world..
8. Are you hot/cold - So and so..
9. Are you Irish - Nay.
10. Are you Asian - I'm not naturally blonde..and will never be!

1. Name – Let's keep that a secret for now... *sok*
2. Nicknames – Too many, I get one every new semester..
3. Any birth marks - not that I know of..
4. Hair color – Black.
5. Natural hair color - Black.
6. Eye color - Dark brown, Lighter in light
7. Height - Taller than any average Asian
8. Mood - Lazy. Because I got too many jobs to do with almost same deadlines!
9. Favorite colour – Blue, Grey, Black....
10. One Place You Want to Visit - JAPAN!!! GERMANY!!! (for college next year. AMIIN!)

1. Do you believe in love at first sight – Nope. True beauty is beneath the skin deep :)
2. Do you believe in soul mates - Yup
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - By the person I supposed trusted the most :(
5. Have you ever broke someone’s heart? - I wonder..
6. Ever had your heart broken? - Thanks to that certain someones, YES!
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? Always, I suppose
8. Are you afraid of commitment? - Have some issues..
9. Who was the last person you hugged? - My sister? or my mom?
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? - I wonder..

1. Love or lust - Love.
3. Cats or dogs – Cats.
4. A few best friends or many regular friends - ...can't..choose..
5. Television or internet - Internet, and people think I'm obsessed..
6. Chinese Or Indian - Indian..I guess
7. Wild night out or romantic night in - Romantic night in :)
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness...money would be great too.
9. Night or day - Night.
10. Msn or phone - Phone

1. Been caught sneaking out – Yes, hahaha.
2. Been skinny dipping - Hell NO!
3. Bungee jumped – I would like to try..
4. Finished an entire jaw breaker – ...urmmm..
5. Lied to someone you liked – All the time..
6. Wanted an ex bf/gf back – Nay!
7. Cried yourself to sleep? - Sometimes...during times..
8. Cried because you lost a pet – Nevaaa~
9. Wanted to disappear – Almost everyday...

1. Smile or eyes - Eyes says all
2. Light or dark hair – Dark I guess..
3. Hugs or kisses - Hugs! They're warm!
4. Shorter or taller – Taller. of course..but I'm tall..
5. Intelligence or attraction – Intelligence... Attraction for bonus
6. Romantic or spontaneous - Spontaneously romantic, like Usui Takumi *stab myself to death*
7. Funny or serious - Funny and serious when the time needs him to be.
8. Older or Younger - Older, I guess..
9. Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad Ass –I love bad boys within my limits...but sweet ones are nice too..

1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yep.
2. Ever done drugs – Never in my lifetime!
3. Ever consumed alcohol? - I don't drink
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team – Nah...
6. Ever Been on a dance team - Actually yes.
7. Ever been on a sports team - Errr....I'm an intellect?
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - My dad drives a Mercedes..
10. Ever been in a rap video? - Wait, What?

1. Last person who called you - My sister
2. Last person you hung out with - House mates
4. Last time you worked – I've been working non-stop since 2 months ago...Final year..
5. Last person you tackled – My sissy! She's my favorite target *whistling*
6. Last person you IM’d - My friend's mom slashed my teacher in kindergarten.. Some motherly problems..
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with? - Had been answering on the previous trivia
9. Last thing you missed – My home sweet home, my TV..
10. Last thing you ate - Pempek!

1. Sleep beside you? - My sissy
2. See you cry? – Does tears that flow when I was yawning counted? My sissy, maybe..
3. You went out to dinner with? - My family..
5. You talked on the phone to?- My father..
7. Made you laugh? - ...forgot -_-

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? - Ears!
2. Be serious or be funny? - Funny. Definitely
3. Drink whole or skim milk? - I don't mind...
4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? - Family, but not parents *crossed* my mother.

1. Simple or complicated? - Women are complicated :))
2. Retarded? - When I feel like it..

1. Flowers or candy? - Ice Cream!!
2. Gray or black? - Gray
3. Colour or Black and white photos? - Love the feel B&W photos give:)
4. Sunrise or sunset? - Sunset
6. Staying up late or waking up early? - Waking up early. Many things can be done!

1. Do you like anyone? - Now? not really...
2. Do they know it? - Who?

1. Sun or moon? - Moon
2.. Winter or Summer? - Summer.
3. Left or right? - Right.
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? - Best friends would be nice...
5. Sun or rain? - Rain
6. Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? - Vanilla!!
7. Vodka or Jack Daniels? - I'm a healthy teen.

1. Nervous Habits? - Hmm... stutter? I think everybody have that..
2. Are you double jointed? - Not that I know of..
3. Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? - YES!! Huahaha
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? - Yesss :)
5. Can you cross your eyes? - Hmm..
6. Do you make your bed daily? - Depends...XD

1. Which shoe goes on first? - Right.
2. Ever thrown something at someone? - Nope. It's too hypocrite to say never. Rarely.
3. On average, how much money do you carry with you? - XXK Rupiah
4. What jewellery do you wear? - Glasses..?
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - Scoop it, eat it instantly. Huahaha!
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? - Nope.
3. Favorite ice cream? - Vanilla, or some sour sorbets :)
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? - Frosties!
5. What’s your favorite beverage? - Tea!
6. Do you cook? - Have been since I was 10.

1. Had a relationship? - Nah....
2. Bought something? - Yup.
4. Sang? - Just did.
5. Been hugged? - Yes
6. Felt stupid? - More than I can count
7. Missed someone? - YEP!!

1. Last Alcoholic: - Don't drink.
2. Last Car ride: - Errr... few months ago?
3. Last Movie Seen: - Up in the Air... I guess.
4. Last Song Played: Onrop Musical - Malam Tiba

04 September 2010

Spend Rp 165K for nothing

This horrible things started about one or couple of weeks after I enrolled this hectic year. When I was offered to have a test called "Tes Minat Bakat" to see what talent we possess, and how it combines with your interest and help you to choose the desired university major. The test takes about 6 hours, doing a set of questions and tasks. And my results are:

1. Bachelor of Art - Architecture
2. Bachelor of Science - Information Technology
3. Bachelor of Art - Visual Communication Design

And for the interest, the consecutive choices based from things I desired the most are Mechanical, Practical, and Art.

When I were going to take this test at first, I hope it'll swell my parents' heart and make them realized that I have no talent in being a doctor. The result of my intelligence test is not too bad at all. But things that they haven't notice is: my creativity quotient is same with the numeric. Why I have to make it important? Because my prominent power that I possess since I was a kid is numerical quotient. When the creativity thingy comes with the same rate with the numeric, it means creativity is my newest prominent power! And do you know what my bloody hell mother said when I tell her I want to pursue Architecture?

"Architecture is for creative person. You're not a part of it."

AAAAHHHHH shoot you shoot me kayak cinta laurahh. I really hate people judgements when they didn't know the way you are. They (in this case: my parents) only know that I have to be a doctor. They tends to know everything about their children when the truth is, they know nothing. They may judge the absent of the creativity within me because they may have no art-tendency blood relation. But maybe, the existence of creativity comes from the very-very-utmost-ultimate-mega resistive chromosome which was sleep within me. Once it was detected and trusted people said it was exist, they deny it with all power they have. It really pissed me off. My 165K rupiah flew away that easy and got no change.

Gosh, how I terribly wanted to study abroad so I can earn my own money and cut the money-source bond between me and my parents :'( Blame my junior high moments, their forces to make me enroll it with their dreams to make me more independent which makes me almost ignore their existence. I do. I already do.

Akhwat Jatuh Cinta??

Tak ada yang aneh, mereka juga adalah manusia...

Bukankah cinta adalah fitrah manusia???

Tak pantaskah akhwat jatuh cinta???

Mereka juga punya hati dan rasa...

Tapi tahukah kalian betapa berbedanya mereka saat cinta seorang lelaki menyapa hatinya???
Tak ada senyum bahagia, tak ada rona malu di wajah, tak ada buncah suka di dada...

Namun sebaliknya...

Ketika Akhwat Jatuh Cinta...

Yang mereka rasakan adalah penyesalan yang amat sangat, atas sebuah hijab yang tersingkap...
Ketika lelaki yang tak halal baginya, bergelayut dalam alam fikirannya, yang mereka rasakan adalah ketakutan yang begitu besar akan cinta yang tak suci lagi...

Ketika rasa rindu mulai merekah di hatinya, yang mereka rasakan adalah kesedihan yang tak terperih akan sbuah asa yang tak semestinya

Tak ada senyum bahagia, tak ada rona malu…
Yang ada adalah malam-malam yang dipenuhi air mata penyesalan atas cinta-Nya yang ternodai
Yang ada adalah kegelisahan, karena rasa yang salah arah…
Yang ada adalah penderitaan akan hati yang mulai sakit…

Ketika Akhwat Jatuh Cinta…

Bukan harapan untuk bertemu yang mereka nantikan, tapi yang ada adalah rasa ingin menghindar dan menjauh dari orang tersebut

Tak ada kata-kata cinta dan rayuan…

Yang ada adalah kekhawatiran yang amat sangat, akan hati yang mulai merindukan lelaki yang belum halal atau bahkan tak akan pernah halal baginya

Ketika mereka jatuh cinta, maka perhatikanlah, kegelisahan di hatinya yang tak mampu lagi memberikan ketenangan di wajahnya yang dulu teduh…

Mereka akan terus berusaha mematikan rasa itu bagaimanapun caranya…
Bahkan kendati dia harus menghilang, maka itu pun akan mereka lakukan...

Alangka kasihannya jika akhwat jatuh cinta…
Karena yang ada adalah penderitaan…

Tapi ukhti…
Jadikan ini ujian dari Rabbmu…

Matikan rasa itu secepatnya…
Pasang tembok pembatas antara kau dan dia…
Pasang duri dalam hatimu, agar rasa itu tak tumbuh bersemai…
Cuci dengan air mata penyesalan akan hijab yang sempat tersingkap...

Putar balik kemudi hatimu, agar rasa itu tetap terarah hanya padaNya…
Pupuskan rasa rindu padanya dan kembalikan dalam hatimu rasa rindu akan cinta Rabbmu…

Ukhti… Jangan khawatir kau akan kehilangan cintanya…

Karena bila memang kalian ditakdirkan bersama, maka tak akan ada yang dapat mencegah kalian bersatu

Tapi ketahuilah, bagaimana pun usaha kalian untuk bersatu, jika Allah tak menghendakinya, maka tak akan pernah kalian bersatu…

Ukhti… Bersabarlah… Biarkan Allah yang mengaturnya...
Maka yakinlah... Semuanya akan baik-baik saja…

Semua Akan Indah Pada Waktunya…

By: Ummu Sa'ad 'Aztriana'