29 January 2011

My (officially) first time attending a concert!

Finally, I post it to my blog after being delayed for months! I'll tell you about a tremendous concert I attended that performed by a well known orchestra in Indonesia called Twilite Orchestra. Conducted by Addie MS, they performed several numerous classical numbers that used in a famous Japanese animation and series by the name of Nodame Cantabile. Let me tell you a bit about this.

Nodame Cantabile is the title of a Japanese comic series who had been adapted into animation and live drama. It's a story about Noda Megumi, a music school student who never take any concern of her lifestyle. She has a messy room along with her appearance. But behind those, she has a brilliant talent when it came to her piano playing. One day, she found her famous-for-his-handsome-appearance upperclassmen, Chiaki Shinichi, sat drunkenly on her door. Next day, Chiaki woke up by the sound of Nodame who plays the piano. Since then, he never know that she will be her fortune goddess who will change his life. It's worth to watch and read!

And because of this series is about the life of a music school student, there must be classical numbers played around-whether it's only for the background sounds or the characters who played ones. This series inspired Addie MS to bring it on and made a concert as a tribute to this wonderful series. As a big fan for the series, I bought the tickets. And my musical journey began here.

This concert is the first regular concert in 2011 by Twilite Orchestra. The concert will perform these pieces:

  1. Montagues & Capulets from “Romeo and Juliet” (Prokofiev). This piece is often played when the scene is getting intense, when the characters were going to argue.
  2. Symphony No. 7, 1st movement (Beethoven). The opening of Nodame Cantabile's live action drama!
  3. Etude Op. 10 No. 4 (Chopin). I forgot when this piece is played, sorry :(
  4. Petrouchka (Stravinsky). This is one of my favorite piece in this concert! It sounded very cheerful yet complex. This is played by Nodame when she was participating in a piano concourse.
  5. Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin). Everyone who have ever watch Nodame should have known this piece. I can say that this is Nodame's signature piece. One of my favorite piece, too.
  6. Symphony No. 4, 1st movement (Mendelssohn). I also forgot when this piece is played in the series :(
  7. Piano Concerto No. 2 (Rachmaninov). This is the longest piece played in the concert. The orchestra played those three movements for about thirty minutes!
And the pianists who will play those pieces are:
  1. Levi Gunardi - he played Rachmaninov Piano Concerto. He played it very passionately and he is a great pianist, as his thirty-minutes piano playing told us.
  2. Kazuha Nakahara, - she played Rhapsody in Blue. She was really great! Right after she finished her playing, everyone in the auditorium gave her a standing applause. She was phenomenal.
  3. Gita Bayuratri - she played Chopin's Etude. She was an Indonesian conservatory student who study in German. 
  4. Victoria Audrey Sarasvathi - she played Stravinsky's Petrouchka. She was the youngest pianist who played in the concert, yet her piano playing didn't tell the audience so! She had won several piano competitions around the world, and now she's studying in a conservatory in Europe. Guess how old is she? Yes you're right. She's 13.
With these amazing pianists and numbers, you can expect how great the night is. It was phenomenal. It's a performance of a lifetime. Although I was asleep for a while in the middle of the concert due to the day's exhaustion, I can tell you, this concert is worth to watch!

Actually, I have a picture with Kazuha Nakahara and my friends, but it's gone :(

The conductor, Addie MS, conducted his orchestra

Kazuha Nakahara, a Japanese pianist who played Rhapsody in Blue

24 January 2011

Nü Year: New spirit, new life, new problems

Selamat H+23 Tahun Baru!! Ini postingan pertama saya di tahun ini.

Tahun Baru 2011 merupakan pertanda buat saya dan teman-teman kelas 12 lainnya, bahwa ini adalah 5 bulan terakhir kami sebagai anak sekolah. Dimulainya semester kedua seharusnya jadi semester yg bener-bener serius, karena hidup-mati dunia perkuliahan ada di semester ini.

Dan semester ini adalah semester super galau. Semua orang galau. Dari pemerintah yg menghapus PPKB atau PMDK, ujian mandiri yg dihapus, sistem penerimaan PTN yg kembali ke format jadul dengan SNMPTN, dan gak heran kalo semua keputusan galau dari pemerintah kita yg galau ini bikin angkatan kami galau.

Gimana gak? Semuanya dilontarkan tiba-tiba. Ujian mandiri dihapus, ini agak bikin teman-teman saya kocar-kacir. Biaya pendaftaran sudah ditransfer, formulir sudah diisi, dan akhirnya..... dibatalin. Tiba-tiba. Saya pikir, PTN itu cukup berani utk mengambil langkah berani, tapi ternyata PTN itu ikutan galau gara-gara banyak yg udah daftar, sementara pemerintah hampir menuntut PTN tersebut. Hhhh.

Balik ke SNMPTN? Ini agak 'bermasalah' bagi saya, karena dengan bayangan ujian mandiri yg dilaksanakan 3-4 bulan sebelum masuk, kami mendapatkan liburan ekstra sebagai upah kerja keras kami selama setahun ini. Tapi nyatanya....balik lagi ke SNMPTN yg diadakan 1.5 bulan sebelum masuk PTN. KAMI BUTUH LIBURAN PAK, BU!!!! *marah*.

Dan klimaksnya adalah pembatalan PMDK. Beberapa teman saya ada yg mendaftar PMDK UI untuk kelas reguler maupun Internasional. Dan ternyata, PMDK UI untuk kelas Reguler dialihkan ke SNMPTN Undangan. Serius, ini kasian banget. Teman-teman saya yg sudah mendaftar dari akhir November, harap-harap cemas dengan hasilnya, dan ternyata berita yg mereka dapatkan bukanlah apa yg mereka harapkan. Kesel gak sih? Rasanya kayak tikus yg dipancing keju ke rumah tikus yg lebih bagus, padahal nyatanya gak lebih dari tembok biasa. Sakit banget. Sedangkan PMDK UI Inter ditunda sampai April.

Indonesia, Indonesia. 65 tahun umurmu, masih galau juga? Kalah dewasa dengan Singapore dan Malaysia yg jauh lebih muda darimu.

Kesemua itu memang tidak saya alami secara langsung, tapi yang paling bikin saya sakit hati adalah kegalauan ibu saya. Awalnya dia menasehati saya utk tidak ikut tes masuk NTU/NUS, fine. Saya terima dengan lapang dada walaupun sedikit sakit hati. Kemudian, dia menjanjikan saya untuk mengikuti preparation class khusus untuk kuliah ke negeri orang, fine. Saya seneng banget, karena memang jurusan yg ingin saya masuki hanya ada di negara itu. Dan terakhir yang saya tahu, dia memalsukan pernyataan orang lain dalam keputusannya, di mana sebenernya semua itu hanya keputusannya semata. Dan membatalkan janji secara sepihak. Siapa yg gak sakit hati? Saya lebih senang kalau permasalahannya sudah dikatakan di awal pembicaraan, kalau saya memang gak boleh keluar negeri. Tapi, dia memaksakan keinginan pribadinya, ditambah dia mengikuti saran orang lain yang seharusnya tidak ikut campur dengan masalah ini, yang menghasilkan keputusan yg tidak menyenangkan ini. Dan dia tidak henti-hentinya membicarakan bagaimana dunia kedokteran dibutuhkan di dunia, dan bla bla bla.

Ah, entahlah. Mungkin kalau keputusannya memang masih dipaksa jadi dokter, saya lebih memilih utk tidak kuliah sama sekali. Gak ada yg lebih gue benci di dunia ini -setelah satu orang yg menyebalkan- selain dunia kedokteran. Mending buka bisnis, atau apakek. Padahal saya udah ikut fingerprint test atas rekomendasi Putri, di mana saya bisa mengetahui bakat yg saya emban secara genetik. Dan hasilnya adalah: saya lebih cocok jadi pebisnis daripada pekerja professional seperti dokter. Tapi apa tindak lanjutnya? Gak ada. Dia bahkan gak mendukung saya utk jadi apapun itu selain dokter. 

Haaaaah kebanyakan curcolnya nih. Maap yey, blog saya ini kebanyakan curcol, hehe :D

"And I can't fight this feeling anymore.. I've forgotten what I've started fighting for.." - Can't Fight This Feeling, Reo Speedwagon

(Next post: Mungkin tentang konser Cantabile! yang akan saya tonton Kamis ini. Remind me!)