29 May 2009

my wishes :)

13 days until my birthday *sigh*

Why do I disappointed? Well, it's my second birthday that I passed at home after my arrival from that thingy boarding school. The first one was last year, and it's the worst one. I woke up and my parents didn't say anything to me. THEY FORGOT MY BIRTHDAY wth. Actually I heard when I tend-to-be-slept, my mom reminded my father when he was going to work. I also heard that my mom said 'happy birthday' to me, but heeey I WAS sleeping (well, actually tend-to-be) and my parents just went away. I stayed at home, watched the TV, inet-ing, and did my usual routinities. And I didn't go anywhere that day :( Since then, I really really hate my birthday.

I never being asked about what present do I want, or they have any initiative. They thought that I'm mature enough to be understand that birthday doesn't equal to present :( :( :( huaaaah. And the last present that I received was when I accepted as the big 8 and got some dispensation if I entered SMP Al-Izhar Pondok Labu. But after that, they moved me away to that boarding things :( I always envy my friends who always got new things without no special things or big things that she got, because I've ever heard from my friend that she told her mother everything about me, who won many competitions (sorry for being arrogant) bla bla. And her mother told her, if she could be like me, her mother would buy anything for her.

WHAT DID I RECEIVED FROM MY PARENTS? EVEN NO APPRECIATION, ENTHUSIASM, OR ANY 'CONGRATULATION' WORDS NEVER ARRIVED ON MY EARS. I won all the competitions for myself and school. I never have any aim to make my parents proud of me. I've done it, obviously. But they seems never be satisfied with what I've done. They still angry to me, tend to kill me, or any things that make me regretted that I was born to this world. I really really need anybody to be relied on, since I (almost) never believe my parents anymore.

STOOOP BEING SO TEARFUL. don't cry at me (gr banget sih). Well although I (almost) never received any birthday gift, it doesn't mean that I don't have any wishes right? Or it better being written with : it doesn't mean that I don't have any wishes since I have no hope on birthday, right? I really want to have part-time job, or I want to play options!!

Hmmm I interested to these things lately:

Canon EOS 500D. Suitable for beginners, and also quite suitable for pockets

Think that I'm a trend-follower? Nah-nah. My father was interested in photography and he ever had a manual DSLR camera. And photographer was my dream job when I was in Junior High.

This one is also so flirtatious

Sony Hard Disk Drive (HDD) - DCR-SR87E. 80 GB

Huaaaah I'm falling in love at the first sight with this :)


Wakatobi Mini 963. Tablet PC and netbook in one pack

I really love Tablet PC since I saw an application on Facebook, Graffiti. It's an application that exhibit artworks that the users make, and most of them are extremely cool! When I saw at the coolest one, I just know that he/she made it with Tablet PC. And I want to have one to make me easier for doodling or scribbling things that I usually did, and then submit it. Oh yes, this one is made for schoolers and collegers.

I know, all of them are not cheap. But it's fair (in my opinion), for me who never got any birthday gifts since 5 years ago. OR I can't hope anyone will give me, but I tried to make some money until someday I can afford them!

Anyone can teach me how to play options or stocks?

21 May 2009

quick update

Hey hey I'm back and you're front! (galucu ah) gue pengen ceritain kejadian yg kemaren gue alamin bareng ArdIchIrfaNaufal (baca dari huruf kapital ke kapital lagi, itu satu nama) + Hakim di angkot. Daaan semoga gg keulang lagi yaa :)

Jadi ceritanya, hari itu hari Rabu. Nggak ada ujian IGCSE, dan disuruh masuk buat ikut KBM. Gara" gue masih kebawa ritme IGCSE yg p.m., jadinya gue bangun jam 6.18 dan telat (plus belom mandi, cuma cuci muka doang saking buru"nya :p). Padahal udah pake motor pak Slamet tuh.. ngebut pula. Yaudah masuk, trus pelajaran pertama Math. Apalagi yg mesti dibahas? Semua ujian paper 2 sama 4 udah lewat. Akhirnya, Ms. Lolo kita ignore :( Maaf ya miss. Malah pada nonton Pink Panther 1. Abis Math, pelajaran.. apa ya? Lupa hehe. Pas istirahat, Hakim udah ngajak kita (Cindy, gue, Ardi, Ichi, Naufal, Irfan) buat main ke rumahnya, tapi gue mau ada ngumpul seksi konsumsi PKL istirahat kedua, dan Ichi-Ardi-Naufal ada pre-test OSN (dan dia ngajak gara" anak inter B udah tinggal 2 orang - dia sama Rahman). Pokoknya abis istirahat itu harusnya olahraga, tapi gurunya gg ada. Padahal udah dijartelin disuruh bawa baju OR. huuuh :(

Abis olahraga jam kosong, ada Mr. Acep a.k.a biology. Kita nonton film wildlife gitu deeeh. Istirahat kedua, abis gue ngumpul, sholat, ke kelas. Naaah tadinya Cindy mau ikut, tapi dia udah cabut duluan pas istirahat kedua *ckck*. Selain itu, cabutnya gg pas istirahat kedua soalnya pada belom ngumpul semua. Abis ngumpul semua, kita bertujuh izin sama Mr. Acep (Hakim izin juga, soalnya dia laig ada di Inter A) buat cabut *hahaha*. Nggak dicegat di pintu depan? Nggak laaah, soalnya satpam n guru yg ngawas di gerbang depan pada mikir kalo anak inter masih pada ujian IGCSE :) hahaha asik asik. Dari sekolah, kita bertujuh naik angkot sampe smabels. Naaaah di sini petualangan kita mulai.

Jadinya kita naik angkot dan cuma kita bertujuh yg ada di angkot itu. Ardi sama Naufal paling pojok. Gue sebelah Naufal, dan Hakim, Irfan, dan Isti (berurutan dari yg paling deket) di sebelah Ardi. Jalaaaan sampe belokan kedua yang nyebrang rel kereta abis dari 8, abis nyebrang, ada yg naik 3 orang. Masing" di sebelah Isti dan gue (di sebelah gue ada 2 orang). Abis itu, bodohnya hape gue berdering gara" ada SMS masuk. Mana SMSnya gg penting lagi. Udaaah, terus orang yang longkap satu orang dari gue (deretan gue) kayak kesakitan gitu. Katanya sih, kambuh abis patah tulang. Sampe megang lututnya Hakim kenceng banget (keliatannya), sampe Hakim ngasih buntelan tasnya yg berisi baju olahraga gagal pakai. Orang sebelah gue sampe pindah ke antara Irfan-Hakim, dan orang yg kesakitan itu terus mendorong badannya ke arah gue. Otomatis, gue berdiri sambil nunduk dan setengah berdiri setengah duduk di angkot. Nah, posisi itu dimanfaatin sama orang yg duduk di antara Hakim-Irfan buat ngambil hape gue yg ada di kantong! Gue yg nyadar, langsung ngerebut balik tuh hape. Tadinya mau gue kunci tangannya, tapi gg sempet. Akhirnya orang yg pura" kesakitan itu turun, dan gue duduk di sebelah Hakim (gg tau kenapa, tiba" Naufal jadi di sebelah Ardi.-??-). Abis orang itu turun, Hakim langsung nyuruh kita ngecek hape, masih ada ato gg. DAN ORANG YG MAU NGAMBIL HAPE GUE MASIH ADA DI ANGKOT ITU zz. Tapi akhirnya semuanya turun kecuali kita bertujuh.

Intinya sih itu. Gue udah ngalamin itu dua kali, tapi yg kali ini gue cukup awas. Yg pertama kali itu pas gue kelas 6 SD kalo gg salah. Dan dengan sangat bodohnya, gue minta orang lain buat ngejar orang yg megang lutut gue tanpa berpikir cara buat ketemu dia lagi.

Hati-hati ya di angkot. Jangan pernah nunjukin kalo lo punya hape, dengan cara lo lupa nge-silent hape lo, ato lo sok"an maenin hape. Kalo perlu (buat yg cowo kalo abis pulang sekolah, ato cewe yg punya kantong di rok) lo taro hape lo di kantong kiri dan memojokkan kantong lo yg berisi hape itu (caranya Ardi). Gue berharap, gg bakal jatoh lagi korban kecolongan hape di angkot, dan jangan sampe dua kali deh :)

17 May 2009

IGCSE news report!

Well, before I started the post, I wondered. Why some of my latest posts were titled by IGCSE? Am I a freak of it? Okay, no more discussion.

This week IGCSE is just a warm-up. On the first day, it's Physics Paper 6 (Alternative to Practical) so, it's kinda written practical report, but without doing the practical itself. Well, like I posted before, it's quite easy but I did some silly mistakes -____- Hope that I can still achieve A*.

The next day is... Math Paper 2, short answered. At the first sight, I didn't feel any difficult question. But after I did it.. HUAH! I didn't do about three questions on the first-round answering. After I finished the last one, the 22th question, I rechecked the answers and alhamdulillah, I could answer those blanks :) I hope that I didn't do any single

And the day after is.. CHEMISTRY PAPER 6 (horror mode: ON). I think it was so difficult until I thought that I couldn't do any single question (too 'lebay' :p). But, bismillah. I started to answer it and I could answer it quite well, even though I got several mistakes :)

The last test that I did this week is ESL Reading and Writing Paper. It was sooooo thrilling -o-. I got no problem with reading, but writing is the most exhausting thing to do. Like what my teacher said, I could write on the question paper with pencil, but don't forget to erase it. Then, I obeyed it, and it created a sea of eraseeeer. Well actually it's not a real sea, but I got many eraser dust around me -___-.

On Saturday, I joined Math and Biology tutorials for the next days exam. After tutorial, I went to Setiabudi (where I used to have my big-family dinner at Ming Chinese Restaurant there) with Ardi, Isti, Irfan, and Hakim. We waited until 12 sharp for Ardi because he joined Province Science Olympiad selection for Math. Actually, Isti was joining that selection too, but she had already finished because she's on Biology, and the test was held at my school -___-. hehehe. Then, we started our journey by bus to Kebon Pala busway shutter. We went to Martraman, then transited to Halimun, then we travelled until Setiabudi Utara. But... when we took the bus from Matraman-Halimun, we forgot to got off from the bus, so we arrived at Dukuh Atas -___- There was no time left, and we decided to go by taxi. THE TAXI WAS ROCK! Isti sat on the front, then me, Ardi, Hakim, and Irfan sat on the back side, like sardine in a can. hahaha but finally, we arrived at Stibud, and we got the ticket!! Well when we watched inside, there's plenty of empty chairs, so we didn't have to worry. Oh yeah, we watched ANGELS AND DEMONS which is extremely cooool! From the cinema, we were searching for lunch. I bought a Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream at Baskin n Robin, and finally we (actually only Isti and Irfan) had lunch at Frankfurter Hotdog. Hakim went home first, because he's sleepy :p and after that Ardi and I went home by Ardi's car :)

Okay, the next IGCSE exam this week are Math Paper 4 (Structured Questions-kinda essay math), Biology Paper 6 (Alternative to Practical) and ESL Listening. I hope that I can pass it well, and get A*. But before that, I hope that my hearing will be okay during the test :)

Last one, I got sore gum because of my molar started to grow, and I got difficulties to chew and eat anything hard :( Every morning I only drink warm milk tea -___- Hope that I can get well soon. Thank you fellas :)

14 May 2009

the human made best love poem :)

Kahlil Gibran

kenapa kita menutup mata ketika kita tidur?
ketika kita menangis?
ketika kita membayangkan?
itu karena hal terindah di dunia tidak terlihat

ketika kita menemukan seseorang yang
keunikannya sejalan dengan kita, kita bergabung
dengannya dan jatuh ke dalam suatu keanehan
serupa yang dinamakan cinta

Ada hal-hal yang tidak ingin kita lepaskan,
seseorang yang tidak ingin kita tinggalkan,
tapi melepaskan bukan akhir dari dunia,
melainkan suatu awal kehidupan baru,
kebahagiaan ada untuk mereka yang tersakiti,
mereka yang telah dan tengah mencari dan
mereka yang telah mencoba.
karena merekalah yang bisa menghargai betapa
pentingnya orang yang telah menyentuh kehidupan

Cinta yang sebenarnya adalah ketika kamu
menitikkan air mata dan masih peduli terhadapnya,
adalah ketika dia tidak mempedulikanmu dan
kamu masih menunggunya dengan setia.

Adalah ketika dia mulai mencintai orang lain dan
kamu masih bisa tersenyum dan berkata
"aku turut berbahagia untukmu"

Apabila cinta itu tidak bertemu bebaskan dirimu
biarkan hatimu kembali ke alam bebas lagi.
kau mungkin menyadari, bahwa kamu menemukan
cinta dan kehilangannya, tapi ketika cinta itu mati
kamu tidak perlu mati karena cinta itu.

Orang yang bahagia bukanlah mereka yang selalu
mendapatkan keinginannya,
melainkan mereka
yang tetap bangkit ketika mereka jatuh, entah
bagaimana dalam perjalanan kehidupan,
kamu belajar lebih banyak tentang dirimu sendiri
dan menyadari bahwa penyesalan tidak
seharusnya ada, cintamu akan tetap di hatinya
sebagai penghargaan abadi atas pilihan-pilihan hidup
yang telah kau buat.

Teman sejati, mengerti ketika kamu berkata "aku lupa...."
menunggu selamanya ketika kamu berkata "tunggu sebentar"
tetap tinggal ketika kamu berkata "tinggalkan aku sendiri"
membuka pintu meski kamu belum mengetuk dan
belum berkata "bolehkah saya masuk?"
mencintai juga bukanlah bagaimana kamu
melupakan dia bila ia berbuat kesalahan,
melainkan bagaimana kamu memaafkan.

Bukanlah bagaimana kamu mendengarkan,
melainkan bagaimana kamu mengerti.
Bukanlah apa yang kamu lihat,
melainkan apa yang kamu rasa.
Bukanlah bagaimana kamu melepaskan
melainkan bagaimana kamu bertahan.
Mungkin akan tiba saatnya di mana kamu harus
berhenti mencintai seseorang,
bukan karena orang itu berhenti mencintai kita
melainkan karena kita menyadari bahwa
orang itu akan lebih berbahagia apabila kita melepaskannya.

kadangkala, orang yang paling mencintaimu adalah
orang yang tak pernah menyatakan cinta kepadamu,
karena takut kau berpaling dan memberi jarak,
dan bila suatu saat pergi,
kau akan menyadari bahwa
dia adalah cinta yang tak kau sadari.

segala hal tentang cinta seperti buku tanpa lembar terakhir. selalu saja menjadi hal yang menarik. harusnya aku bersyukur memilki orang orang yang mencintaiku selalu. tapi selalu saja syukur itu sulit terucap.
ALLAH, aku mencoba bersyukur.

12 May 2009

a five-headed creature called IGCSE

Okay, it's May '09, and today is the 12th. It means, it's the first day of IGCSE!!! On the first day, I got Physics Paper 6 - Alternating to Practical -, and it's quite easy, but I'm so snobby and I think I've done two silly mistakes. huaaah.

In the morning, I did my morning rituals and went to school. And I didn't forget to text my friend and remind them to bring along their statement of entry. Guess what? YDKW .... ada deh. hahaha :) But lately, he just make me... aww. There's too many adult censored *sok dewasa lu*. Hehehe kidding. I didn't do anything, and it's just a short-term euphoria. Then, I came to library and met my mates and several students from SMA 78 and 21. Well, it's kinda noisy to have 3 schools in one library -___-. Few minutes to eight, all of us went to our exam room, and I got room four on class X Inter B. And the exam began. After exam, we had math tutorial, prepared for tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Math Paper 2 - short answer. It's not too easy but not too difficult either. Just pray for me and my friends so we can get good marks. amiiin *lho, ini malah gg belajar zz - biarin ah betee*

10 May 2009

AFS and IGCSE are ready to rock my brains

hello fellas! I just came back from LIA Foreign Language Institute after doing AFS selection test. It really thrilled me! And I also experienced some surprises...

Sunday, May 10th 2009
I woke up at 6 in the morning, and I remembered that the test will be held on 10 am. After I woke up, I washed the dishes, prepared breakfast for my family and I also ate my breakfast. Then, I read a grammar book, hopefully I can pass the English test and I can fix my grammatical errors. Until 7:30, Muthia asked me,

"Din, lw ruangan berapa?"

And I replied that I don't know. Of course, because I still keep lazy on bed and read my grammar book until 8:30, and I just thought that Muthia was too dilligent. Then I took a bath, and when I was hairdrying my hair, something really shocked me. I read the participant test card, and the time that the test will be held was on 8 am!!!! I shocked, I really shocked. I did extra fast make-ups, used my veil, and I rushed myself to the car downstairs. I hope the test will be held on 10. That what my heart wished about. Fortunately, I've ever gone there to visit Japan Festival, and fortunately, I didn't lost when I went there this morning! I asked the commitee about my room, and I had thought that I 'll be better if I go home, cancelling my test. But my mom forced me to do it. Okay, then I went upstair and met a volunteer who supervised the hallway. He was shocked, that there's only 1 hour to do the test, and it's about general knowledge-fortunately. Then he contacted the supervisor in my room, I sat on my chair (unfortunately, it's on the corner of the room. faaaar away from the door -____-). The room supervisor gave me the test, and I did the test as quick and as correct as possible. I was very luckly, it's about general knowledge, and the questions aren't too difficult. When there's 15 minutes left, the supervisor asked me whether I've done the questions or not. I'm yes-sing the supervisor, and I checked it three times (I wondered, I'm lucky that I was late. Just imagine how bored I am if I joined the test from the begining.)

After finishing the test, I ran down the stairs for recess, and I met Muthia in front of the main door of the building. Got little bit chit chat, and walked through the food stalls and met many old and -of course- my high school mates! (okay, let's be Indonesian) Ketemu banyaaaak banget nget anak 8, mantan anak hutan NF kayak Tika, Muthia, Wafa, Luthfi (ah katanya gg jadi ikut gimana sih zz), anak Alizh juga banyak! Ada Ilham, Jelita, Yasmin, Rifa (yg katanya kesel gue ikut :p), Cheras -kecuali Rifa sama Cheras yg sempet nyapa gue, semuanya kayaknya gg ada yang nyadar-. Yaaah tes AFS jadi secara-tidak-langsung jadi tempat reuni temen SD-SMP-SMA (can highschool mates being catagorized in 'reunion'?). aaaah seru seru.

Abis istirahat, ada tes Bahasa Inggris. Pertamanya, gue berharap semoga gg susaaah, gg sesusah soal ESL. eeeh ternyata lumayan laah, grammar-vocab-reading comprehension yg kayak di SMP. Untung sebelumnya gue baca" buku grammar dulu. Oke, gg butuh waktu lama, dan gue nge-check lagi tiga kali, trus baru keluar. Daaaan ternyata pas kapan gitu gue denger anak" kelas gue cerita" tentang tes AFS (dan nyocokin jawaban pengetahuan umum), si Irfan sang grammar checker dan alfalink berjalan cerita pas lagi tes English, "Iya, jadinya gue ngerjain, trus gue kumpulin pas kertas absennya belom nyampe di gue" Anjiiiir parah abis.

Oke, abis itu istirahat lamaaaa banget. Gue sholat bareng Wafa, trus cerita-cerita tentang gosip anak" -hahaha ga jelas banget- udah gitu nyari makan, minum, trus gue ke kamar mandi dan pas keluar, udah pada masuk *aduh*. Abis itu essay bahasa Indonesia. Nah, ini dia masalah gue. Gue udah ngarang ngalor-ngidul di kertas buremnya -buat draft- dan panjaaaang banget sampe gue pegel sendiri. Mana bates minimalnya 1.5 folio lagi ckck gempor tangan gue. Pas gue liat anak di sebelah gue (FYI, gue duduk pojok kanan belakang. bagus banget) tulisannya kecil", tapi panjaaang banget. Oh iya, kan ada 3 topik dan harus milih satu:

  • tentang prinsip hidup lo seumur hidup yang dijadikan pedoman untuk menggapai cita2
  • orang2 yang berperan di kehidupan lo, skrang dan dahulu
  • kalo lo jadi arsitek kehidupan lo, lo mau kehidupan lo jadi gmana aja?
Daaan gue milih yang nomer tiga. Kenapa gue gg milih yg nomer satu? Soalnya prinsip hidup gue satu, dan itu gg pantes buat dijadiin essay. "Selama gue melakukan sesuatu dan hal tersebut berdampak akan kenaikan ataupun peningkatan dalam hal akademis maupun finansial, bakal gue kerjakan!". hahaha :p Kalo nomer dua? Yg pertama kali gue pikir, gue gg punya orang yang bisa gue ceritain panjang lebar, dan pas gue baca blognya Ikhsan, baru gue pikir" kalo pikiran gue dangkal banget. Iya ya, kok gg mikir sampe situ? Akhirnya gue milih yang nomer tiga, dan itu lumayan menyulitkan gue dengan pikiran gue yg ngalor-ngidul. Konsep yg udah gue tulis di draft, dan pas gue tuangin di kertas folio, gue lupa zz. Akhirnya, gue mengarang bebaaaas terserah deh tangan gue mau nulis apa. Gue udah kelewat konsen, dan gue gg sempet baca dari awal zz. Abis itu pulang deh! Maceeet banget nget pas keluar, tapi untung gg lama" -___-.

Pengumumannya tanggal 1 Juni '09 di www.babjakarta.org. Ya Allah, semoga nomer 576 keterima. amiiin >.<

05 May 2009

IGCSE really freaks me out

huaaaaah >.< long time no posting things. I got so many events that I should attend at, then I was so busy to post anything -______-; I'm sorry readers. Last week was... quite fun actually. I entered school after a week of freedom (without doing the pastpapers homework - honestly, I did few of them-), I met my friends and of course YDKW <3 He changed, whereas I saw him on the last Friday. But, that's fine. It didn't make any disturbance at all.

On Tuesday, okay, my dad received my report card and it's quite disappointing. I got 60 for my ESL homework, Bahasa Indonesia, and Geography. Well, I rarely do my ESL homeworks so I don't take it seriously with that mark. The one that I protested about it, why Naufal got that mark higher than me? He always do the homework with me - on the last day of mark-recording time. hemm it's a mystery -___-; For Bahasa Indonesia, I didn't take it seriously either. The teachers were rarely attend the class, and the midtest exam topic weren't about everything he thought. And now, he moved to Argentina to teach Bahasa Indonesia. Whew, he enthusiastically teach foreigners rather than his own students -___- And for Geography, I'VE ALREADY TOOK MY REMEDIALS and it didn't changed-well, it degraded 5 points from 65 to 60 -___- Wednesday and Thursday, nothing special. Friday night, I prepared a lot. For Stay Alert- Stay A Night for Learning and Training, Youth Red Cross' event that updated our knowledges about technical and theoritical things about First Aid; special post about this later-, did my book summarize about 'School Preaching Guide', and for my moving. Well, because of IGCSE that I will attend are several days to go, my mother suggested us to move to my grandma's apartment which only take 15 minutes to go to school! And that's where I live now :)

PLEASE PRAY FOR MY SUCCESS IN IGCSE EXAM!!! your prayers are my happiness. straight A* amiiin.

and one more...
I hope that this blog will be more exist and will be more useful for others.