Sunday, May 10th 2009
I woke up at 6 in the morning, and I remembered that the test will be held on 10 am. After I woke up, I washed the dishes, prepared breakfast for my family and I also ate my breakfast. Then, I read a grammar book, hopefully I can pass the English test and I can fix my grammatical errors. Until 7:30, Muthia asked me,
"Din, lw ruangan berapa?"
And I replied that I don't know. Of course, because I still keep lazy on bed and read my grammar book until 8:30, and I just thought that Muthia was too dilligent. Then I took a bath, and when I was hairdrying my hair, something really shocked me. I read the participant test card, and the time that the test will be held was on 8 am!!!! I shocked, I really shocked. I did extra fast make-ups, used my veil, and I rushed myself to the car downstairs. I hope the test will be held on 10. That what my heart wished about. Fortunately, I've ever gone there to visit Japan Festival, and fortunately, I didn't lost when I went there this morning! I asked the commitee about my room, and I had thought that I 'll be better if I go home, cancelling my test. But my mom forced me to do it. Okay, then I went upstair and met a volunteer who supervised the hallway. He was shocked, that there's only 1 hour to do the test, and it's about general knowledge-fortunately. Then he contacted the supervisor in my room, I sat on my chair (unfortunately, it's on the corner of the room. faaaar away from the door -____-). The room supervisor gave me the test, and I did the test as quick and as correct as possible. I was very luckly, it's about general knowledge, and the questions aren't too difficult. When there's 15 minutes left, the supervisor asked me whether I've done the questions or not. I'm yes-sing the supervisor, and I checked it three times (I wondered, I'm lucky that I was late. Just imagine how bored I am if I joined the test from the begining.)
After finishing the test, I ran down the stairs for recess, and I met Muthia in front of the main door of the building. Got little bit chit chat, and walked through the food stalls and met many old and -of course- my high school mates! (okay, let's be Indonesian) Ketemu banyaaaak banget nget anak 8, mantan anak hutan NF kayak Tika, Muthia, Wafa, Luthfi (ah katanya gg jadi ikut gimana sih zz), anak Alizh juga banyak! Ada Ilham, Jelita, Yasmin, Rifa (yg katanya kesel gue ikut :p), Cheras -kecuali Rifa sama Cheras yg sempet nyapa gue, semuanya kayaknya gg ada yang nyadar-. Yaaah tes AFS jadi secara-tidak-langsung jadi tempat reuni temen SD-SMP-SMA (can highschool mates being catagorized in 'reunion'?). aaaah seru seru.
Abis istirahat, ada tes Bahasa Inggris. Pertamanya, gue berharap semoga gg susaaah, gg sesusah soal ESL. eeeh ternyata lumayan laah, grammar-vocab-reading comprehension yg kayak di SMP. Untung sebelumnya gue baca" buku grammar dulu. Oke, gg butuh waktu lama, dan gue nge-check lagi tiga kali, trus baru keluar. Daaaan ternyata pas kapan gitu gue denger anak" kelas gue cerita" tentang tes AFS (dan nyocokin jawaban pengetahuan umum), si Irfan sang grammar checker dan alfalink berjalan cerita pas lagi tes English, "Iya, jadinya gue ngerjain, trus gue kumpulin pas kertas absennya belom nyampe di gue" Anjiiiir parah abis.
Oke, abis itu istirahat lamaaaa banget. Gue sholat bareng Wafa, trus cerita-cerita tentang gosip anak" -hahaha ga jelas banget- udah gitu nyari makan, minum, trus gue ke kamar mandi dan pas keluar, udah pada masuk *aduh*. Abis itu essay bahasa Indonesia. Nah, ini dia masalah gue. Gue udah ngarang ngalor-ngidul di kertas buremnya -buat draft- dan panjaaaang banget sampe gue pegel sendiri. Mana bates minimalnya 1.5 folio lagi ckck gempor tangan gue. Pas gue liat anak di sebelah gue (FYI, gue duduk pojok kanan belakang. bagus banget) tulisannya kecil", tapi panjaaang banget. Oh iya, kan ada 3 topik dan harus milih satu:
- tentang prinsip hidup lo seumur hidup yang dijadikan pedoman untuk menggapai cita2
- orang2 yang berperan di kehidupan lo, skrang dan dahulu
- kalo lo jadi arsitek kehidupan lo, lo mau kehidupan lo jadi gmana aja?
Pengumumannya tanggal 1 Juni '09 di Ya Allah, semoga nomer 576 keterima. amiiin >.<
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